The time of the year has come! It is Ramadhan, a blessed month for Muslims all over the world. During the entire month, fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset. Here are some tips to stay healthy and active this holy month.
Suhoor with a nutritious meal
Suhoor or the pre-dawn meal is not one to be missed. A balanced, wholesome suhoor can keep you hydrated and energised throughout the day. Consider incorporating rice, noodles, wholemeal bread or oats. These foods take more time to digest, keeping you feeling full for longer.
Drink plenty of water
Water is the best drink to keep you hydrated throughout the day. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water in between iftar (dinner) and suhoor. It is preferred to drink lukewarm water instead of iced water as it may interfere with the efficiency of your digestive system. Cut down on tea or coffee as the caffeine leads to loss of water which increases thirst.
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Constipation during the fasting month could be a possible problem if the intake of water and fiber is inadequate. Load up on fruits and vegetables as they contain fiber and a rich variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that are vital for good health. Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables and at least two 2 serving of fruits a day. Go for varieties!
Do not overindulge during iftar
After fasting for almost 12 hours, it is the time for iftar after the sun has set. Iftar is not a feast, make sure to prepare a well-balanced and nutritious meal. Slow down and enjoy each mouthful of your food. Overindulging at iftar may result in indigestion, heartburn and weight gain. So just get enough to fill you up.
Reduce intake of fried, salty and high-sugar foods
The desire to have greasy, fried, salty and sugary foods is irresistible when you are thinking of what to eat for iftar as to reward yourselves. While these foods can make you feel good in the short run, they can make fasting the next day more difficult. Consuming fatty and sugary foods will cause sluggishness and fatigue. So be moderate!
Be physically active
Fasting in Ramadhan is not an excuse for you to be sedentary. Do simple exercise like brisk walks, stretching or light cardio workouts. It helps stimulate your body to use stored fat for energy, leading to a reduction in body fat. The best time to exercise while fasting is an hour or 30 minutes before iftar. Do not work out too early during the day to avoid excessive dehydration and hunger.
Get enough rest and sleep
Get enough rest, sleep early and wake up before dawn for suhoor. You will be easily upset, out of focus, forgetful, lack of motivation and fall sick without adequate rest. Sleep deprivation can lead to headaches too. You may also take a short nap during midday to recharge – it is a Sunnah!