
Post-Festive Detox

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Christmas, New Year and then, the much-anticipated Chinese New Year. The festive season brings with it an abundance of tempting delicacies! With an episode of binge eating and drinking, you will definitely feel the effects in your body. Consuming too much rich food, or alcohol – or both together – may strain your liver and digestive system and leave you feeling sluggish, bloated and heavier.

How to feel fab after festive overindulgence

You do not have to go to extremes to reset your body after the festive indulgence. Here are some tips that will get you started:


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Cut down on sugar

You are served with all delicious meals, sweets and treats during the festive celebrations, bet it must be hard to resist right? High sugar intake leads to a higher sugar consumption causing an unintended weight gain. Try to cut down on sugar by having a small portion of your favourite festive food instead of having a variety without noticing that quantity and calories.

Load up with greens

Another way to detoxify your body naturally is to load up with green leafy vegetables, fruits and organic foods in your diet. Vegetables and fruits are high in fibre and low in calories. They can help in weight management by reducing your desire to eat, making you feel full longer. Make sure half of your plate is filled with greens in every meal!

Hydrate with water

Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! Yes, hydrate your body with water. Your body needs to be detoxified after all the sugary and coloured drinks. Drinking plain water is a great way to flush of toxins from your body and it has no calorie. It also will help boost your metabolism and burn excess calories.

Get active and sweat on

The body also flushes out toxins when you sweat, so doing exercise should be a part of your detox plan. You can do a 30-minute yoga session, go for a brisk morning walk or jog or run or even do high energy workout to reset your energy and put yourself in a good mood.


Curb the consumption of alcohol

Some people may tend to increase the consumption of alcohol during the festive season. Do watch your alcohol intake as it is easily absorbed into the bloodstream and affects every part of the body. Binge drinking has been associated with various health risks, including damage to the liver, heart, brain and stomach.

Catching up on sleep

Ensuring sufficient and quality sleep each night is a must to support your body’s health and natural detoxification system. Sleeping allows your brain to reorganise, recharge itself and to eliminate toxic waste by-products that have accumulated throughout the day. Seven to nine hours of sleep per night on a regular basis is recommended to promote good health.

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