Gastro-AD® is a non-GMO soy peptide fermented by Lactobacillus delbrueckii R-187.
Gastro-AD® brings rapid and long-lasting relief of symptoms of heartburn, nausea and gastric pains.
Gastro-AD® provides buffering activity, which reduces stomach acidity, thereby alleviating heartburn and stomach burning sensations.
Gastro-AD® boosts the immune system by reducing inflammation, which helps in the healing of gastric ulceration.
Gastro-AD® inhibit protease from degrading the stomach lining and causing further pain.
GutGard® is a flavonoid-rich extract from deglycyrrhized licorice root.
GutGard® helps balance the gut microbiota by inhibiting opportunistic pathogens without affecting beneficial bacteria and without extensive disturbance to the gastric pH.
GutGard® inhibits the adhesion and growth of H. pylori which can cause peptic ulcers.
GutGard® has been shown to interrupt the inflammatory cascade and possess antioxidant properties.